15 Shocking Questions About Ayahuasca (Watch BEFORE Your 1st Experience)
A few months ago, I went through 4 Ayahuasca ceremonies in 4 days which massively changed my life. But before I decided to …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
A few months ago, I went through 4 Ayahuasca ceremonies in 4 days which massively changed my life. But before I decided to …
So, do you want to try mother Aya or not? đŸ˜›
Hey may I ask where you did Aya?
Do people puke or shit in their pants while lying on the mattress next to each other?
So the whole time people are walking and dancing around with shit running down their legs or puke on their shirts and face… I mean what do they have here for cleaning up after yourself? Showers? Someone help when you are all messed up? I do want to try this, i just have more questions! Do people end up having intimacies in anyway? Maybe not since all the puking and shitting? lol Just curious. Real questions!
How would you say your use of nootropics affected your Aya experience?
Can you explain how other ayuascha heal CPTSD?
thank you
I will be going to Rythmia in 3 weeks. I am nervous yet very excited to get help. Thank you for all your videos.
Hey, I clicked the link and didn't get a better deal? Very valuable video btw
What is the best supplement for OCD? I am currently taking Ashwagandha and Brainstaq by giver nutrition.
Do people know about supplements that help with quitting niqotine? I heard nac and rhodiola but not sure..