3 WORST Cardio Mistakes Everyone Makes For Fat Loss! (Avoid This) | Mind Pump 2479
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Mind Pump Fit Tip: Three worst cardio mistakes everyone makes for fat loss. (0:01)
Improve your sleep risk-free for 30 days! (17:22)
Going down the rabbit hole of the origins of the ultra-processed food industry. (18:28)
RFK’s impact on the food industry. (41:10)
Eterna’s patent on stem cells. (43:00)
Doug’s not so secret. (44:00)
Shout out to Jeff Born! (51:54)
Triple entries for the Black Friday sale! (54:31)
#ListenerLive question #1 – How do you know when you are ready to run a MAPS program that is higher in volume? (54:18)
#ListenerLive question #2 – How can I increase my squat strength and build my confidence with this lift? (1:10:10)
#ListenerLive question #3 – An update on the advice recommended on how to prepare and gain some muscle before attempting the 6th-degree black belt test in Santiago Chile last December. (1:19:21)
#ListenerLive question #4 – How can I gain muscle (not just maintain)? (1:33:01)
MAHA is a nice thought. Americans are too addicted to processed food and thats not going away
Wasn't expecting a crash course on shakahachi flutes. Doug is full of surprises.
Guys get Calley or Casey Means on re big food and big pharma
Screw you Adam. Your biggest fans that went ham on programs as soon as the sale started to show our support lost out on those contest entries. Penalize the hardcore fans? Who does that?
I wish this channel didn’t demonize running so much or actually gave helpful advice for people wanting to combine this with strength training. I’m in a ton of beginner running groups and I would say a main focus for most in the groups is proper form and having a good training plan. I think very few people “just run until they’re exhausted” with no actual goal.
It’s crazy how we’ve allowed our food to become so sinister. Unfortunately, our kids are obsessed with all of the highly processed foods and we are fighting to get them off of it. We are just praying this country soon sees the change we need.
Almost all of the time, people are not training as hard or intentionally as they think they are. It has nothing to do with which program you're doing, and little to do with the nutrition side of things in most cases. People phone it in while training, and that's just the brass tacks.
I need to gain muscle so I do strength training 4 days and do cardio (running 5 – 8 k) once a week to gain stamina endurance. Does this affect to muscle gain?
Yea 8 minute mile talk not accurate
Can you guys talk sometime about what constitutes good biomechanics when running?
8 minute mile is not achievable by the average person.
I'm sorry Adam no way avg person can sniff 8 min mile in 30 days
You need to be doing like insane amounts of cardio to prevent you from building muscle
Hi guys!!! I’ve witnessed this personally where cardio is not the best thing for fat loss. I have been into this space for 5+yr with 70lb maintaining weight loss. Over the last 4 mos I got into the mindset of wanting to lose those few extra lbs—too much cardio then ended up rebounding and gaining around 10lbs—my metabolism took a hit— now slowly reversing..been following muscle mommy for the last 2 weeks already feeling much better with just walking and streghth training.. cardio sparingly for the endorphins. Thanks always! You guys are credible and consistant!
I use cardio to strengthen my wind and endurance
The first seven minutes is terrible advice and perspective. Firstly, a mile is not endurance. Endurance is longer distance. Second, I run 6-10 miles every three days, adding ten percent to my overall mileage each week or month depending on the training phase I’m in, and I am not chronically injured. I’m also over 40 and recently began running again this past year, consistently, after being out of shape for a long while. As for fat loss, deficit can come from exercise and fasted activity. You can simultaneously build muscle in the gym. It’s going to ungulate. Refeeds are tools. Deficits are tools. Various forms of activity are tools. I went from 235 to 187 on running, then built strength to bring myself up to 200-205, now leaner, stronger and faster than ever.
These guys hate cardio lol
My cardio (walking) rarely goes above level 1 and only burns 100 calories for every mile I walk. It's terrible if what you want is fat loss. I enjoy it to get my mind going and just to keep moving (two miles three times a week, four miles twice a week).
Lifestyle change of weightlifting and diet are where my weight loss and physical change originated.
First but who cares. Mind Pump 4 life.