Does A2 Milk Carry Less Autism Risk?
The casomorphins in bovine milk appears to have opposite effects than that from human breastmilk on infant development but …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
The casomorphins in bovine milk appears to have opposite effects than that from human breastmilk on infant development but …
3:13 When visualized like this its stupidity became obvious.
Nice to see your research. Fyi within 1 week of switching Miss 8 (ASD1&2) to A2 milk we enjoyed a global developmental leap. Massive functionality improvement from academic performance to social interactions, hugely improved eye contact, forward planning… you name it it improved massively. Not going back.
Psycho. Just plain psycho
So it seems that you make an association on the a2 protein milk, not really a direct link. There's no evidence shown here linking CM is the actual cause of autism. Only a study showing that shows that CM is elevated in many autistic individuals. It is compelling information, but is it the lections instead of the CM. A high level of uric acid can be found in Autistic individuals, and uric acid is known to cause brain damage. Lections also rise uric acid levels.
Excellent!! My daughter and I are intolerant to both gluten and dairy and you have just explained why A2 milk made absolutely no difference for us… Thank you! One question though; I seem to tolerate milk from goat and sheep though. Are there any studies on these as well? Xxx
Ok, so let me answer the question the title states. NO! It has no difference in risk for autism! Why? BECAUSE MILK AND AUTISM ARE NOT LINKED IN THE SLIGHTEST YOU ABSOLUTE CRUMPET!
FYI Michael of, your sing-song voice with its varied pitch and speed plays havoc with my autistic brain, I almost couldn't listen to the final 3 minutes of this piece. If it matters to you, then please bear this in mind, especially for a video that is likely to attract more autistic viewers than your other content.
WHAT!? Autism is based off of genetics! Miluk has nothing to do with it.
A2 milk is far better than A1 milk. A1 milk has lot of problems. Interesting fact is all mammals including humans, goat, sheep produce A2 milk. Because of some genetic mutation in certain cows 1000s of years ago, only certain cows produce A1 milk. A1 protein gives lots of side effects including autism. A2 milk is easily digestible, fully digesting and clean. The problem is food supply in america is highly processed. The whole milk industry is contaminated with A1 milk. A2 Protein is natural for mammals and naturally easily digestible. The problems may be due to high processing like pasteurisation and treatment of cows.
Ok, dr mcregor. The study using A2 milk with digestive enzymes produced no casomorphines. If thats the case, then A2 raw milk with the necessary digestive enzymes still present should most likely produce the same result? Has there been a test using raw milk regarding casomorphines?
Excess of everything is bad. Consume Organic A2 milk in moderation and do some exercise.
this is bullcrap—-A1 vs.A2 milk!!!!
shree dairy jodhpur india thar desi cow a2 ghee supply global +917340265551
Wow, I had thought from previous videos and readings that the A2 type of milk wasn't as bad for people. I wonder if those studies were based on animals studies too instead of human trials. Another great reason to not do medical testing on animals! You can draw all sorts of crazy conclusions. Thanks Dr. Greger & team!
Dr Greger, we need your help. The EU just approved a 5 year extension on Monsanto's glyphosate, and people don't understand what this vote means. It's going to be in our food supply, even the water supply. Please, can you discuss the literature on this?
Yours Truly,
Concerned EU Citizen
I watched this; and can tell you from 40 years of drinking milk that A2A2 does make a difference. I can tell what casein is in the milk because I sneeze like crazy after A1 milk. All allergies are to proteins, and the caseins that you drink make a difference. OF COURSE there is no better milk for humans than human milk; however not everyone is able to provide milk for their children. IT is a proven fact that man has been drinking milk for thousands of years, and many have had actually a better health overall. It is modern medicine that has made the difference in longevity; once pneumonia was a deadly killer, now with modern medicine we can cure it easily. So it is disingenuous to say that we live longer today because we eat healthier; we do not. It is also a proven fact that a vegan diet has never been a long term diet, only a recent fad. In truth; man has not yet found a way to produce all the necessary dietary components from a plant based diet only. The jury is still out on that as to my knowledge there have not been any long term studies on the affects of a vegan diet over time. I personally know two people who have taught veganism for 35 years, only to have had to have had liver surgery and are now surviving on a diet that includes high levels of animal fat, meat and organs. IT was also very telling to me in this video that the first 99% of the "tests and studies" were all done on A1 milk, only the last that has NOT been peer reviewed was done with supposedly A1, A2 and I milk. I would like to see this peer reviewed before we put too much credence on it.
Wtf u can't get autism from milk
How did I miss this one? -Does this also mean people with a leaky gut can develop autism in later life too or are will they just get more hooked on cheese?
As an adult on the autism spectrum, the mother of two autistic kids, the sister of two autistic siblings, the daughter of an autistic father and a behaviour interventionist who works with kids on the spectrum I’m asking you to please be more educated when speaking about autism. In your previous video you compared “kids with autism” to “normal kids” when the politically correct language would be “children on the autism spectrum” and “neurotypical kids”. I was a normal child, my kids are normal and so are the ones I’ve worked with. They aren’t neurotypical. Also, please don’t use language that suggest autism needs a treatment like a disease. Most of us in the autism community do NOT want to cure autism because it’s part of who we are as people but we would like to alleviate some of the negative symptoms that can be experience like sensory overload.
If you’re going to Continue these videos about those of us with ASD you need to keep in mind you are representing our entire community and you need to be more mindful of the language you choose because it’s really crossing some lines.
I’m a fan of Dr. Gregor, but this has been really bothering me. Myself and my kids eat a plant based diet and my children have less struggles with negative behaviour because they were allergic to dairy and now their stomach aches and eczema are gone so they are much calmer now.
I loved the baby picture with the apples! Also the thought of breastfeeding from another animal still confuses me.
Another reason to leave the cow's milk to the cows.
I hope dr Gregor has 24/hour security
He's putting out truth
Doing god's work
Milks good for your bones
I live in Australia/NZ region where A2 Milk originated and I get eczema and I've had no noticeable changes using A2 for long periods. To me it just seems like a medium quality milk.