Formula for Childhood Obesity
Feeding infants cow’s milk formula may adversely alter metabolic programming. New subscribers to our e-newsletter always …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
Feeding infants cow’s milk formula may adversely alter metabolic programming. New subscribers to our e-newsletter always …
What are best options for babies whose mothers cannot breastfeed (at all)?
Thank you. So true. I'm lucky in that I'm asian and lactose intolerant, so I avoided dairy except butter for a good portion of my life, until I started taking dairy excessively 10 years ago. I stopped dairy about a year ago and my bloating, brain fog, obesity have disappeared.
Childhood obesity is going up, but their milk consumption is going down. I think you're missing something.
0 dislikes, that is truth.
It's interesting, milk never used to cause obesity. I think some of the reasoning in this video is flawed. Cows milk has been consumed for the last few thousand years with no ill effects. Obesity is a new disease, it did not seem to affect people living on farms drinking milk in the early 1900s. The East African cattle herders don't suffer any obesity. Clearly there are solid examples of people who drink a lot of milk and suffer no obesity or ill health.
Read "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell to further understand why it's wise to avoid milk and other dairy products!
How can milk consumption predispose us to obesity?
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stopped drinking milk many years ago. Liked it at lot as a kid though but not anymore.
As a kid i always had a natural distaste for milk. I was usually forced to drink it.