3 FOR THE PEOPLE: Wisconsin U.S. Senate Debate
WATCH LIVE NOW: News 3 Now brings you the U.S. Senate debate between Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin and …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
WATCH LIVE NOW: News 3 Now brings you the U.S. Senate debate between Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin and …
I cant stand Tammy’s voice. Shrill and terrible. Just wants to spend our money
Hovde is from another rich white guy from another state (California) using Wisconsin to protect his own financial interests. Tammy Baldwin has always voted in the interests of the people of Wisconsin.
1. Health care / ACA: +1 to Baldwin. Hovde didn't actually answer. However Hovdes generalization is correct. ACA is a disaster for this country.
2. Prescription meds: +1 to Hovde. Baldwin is in bed with big pharma. But neither actually expressed a plan to manage drug prices.
3. Child care: -1 to Baldwin. Neither expressed a plan and Baldwin complained about the "free market" being the problem. Also couldn't get her attack on Hovde out.
4. Social Security: push. Baldwin – tax the rich harder and its Hovde's for being rich (but somehow not hers also, given how wealthy she is). Hovde pointed out it would be better if we hadn't increased our debt 7fold under her watch, but no real plan expressed.
5. LTC: +1 to both. Hovde said to further privatize and let the market push wages up. Baldwin advocate for apprenticeships and earlier trading into HC careers. Both can meaningfully help.
6. Abortion / Roe v Wade: +1 Hovde. Baldwin leaned on rhetoric and insisted on codifying RvW while Hovde laid out an actual middle of the road position on abortion, positing that WI have a referendum on the issue to develop a state position.
7. Immigration / revive recent bill: -1 Baldwin. Both were honest, if selective about their positions on the bill. But Baldwins presence in the senate over the last 4 years of this crisis is an indictment against her.
8. Negative/Misleading Ads: push (-1 to the moderators). Nothing was gained by this question and all that was lost was any of my remaining respect for state media.
9. Israel/hamas: +1 Hovde. This war is not about the civilians in the Gaza Strip. It's about iran and their proxies in hamas. And yes, Baldwin is complicit with other democrats in congress and obama in funding them to create the conditions that let hamas begin this conflict. Further aid, no matter how we try, will only further fund iran and hamas.
10. Ukraine: +1 Hovde. This issue is a direct result of biden policies. The dispensation of funds has been rife with fraud and abuse. And fear mongering about what putin would do next wouldn't be necessary if your executive posture wasn't so stooped and embarrassing.
11. Farm bill: +1 Hovde. Expressed past to de-regulate and prevents WOTUS and other regulation from coming into force. Baldwin pointed to vague and illusory values that should be behind farm bills without any specific ones and attacked Hovde.
12. PFAS Contamination role: push. Both agree govt should help remediate with regard to testing and cleanup. But neither brought up what can be done to prevent PFAs contamination and its link to CAFOs.
13. SC Ethics Code / Term Limits: push. Both agreed to increased ethics codes and term limits. Hovde choose to also attack Baldwins questing ethics regarding investments while Baldwin insinuated Trump-appointed SC Justices conjured ethical breaches.
14. Ballot Access / Election Integrity: -1 Hovde. Baldwin expressed vague but palatable concerns about preserving access to voting. Hovde pointed to ballot boxes and a provision that would prevent noncotizens from voting but it ended in the moderator cutting them off.
15. Fentanyl: +1 Hovde. I'm not sure what Baldwin is claiming to have done to stop fentanyl. Whatever it is, it didn't work at all. Hovde was very forward about pushing back against China with sanctions for is production and Mexico/Central America for its role in distribution as well as holding dealers in the US accountable as murderers.
16. Bipartisanship: +1 Baldwin. Both chose good examples of bipartisan reps. But Baldwin took the high road while Hovde pointed out her strong alignment with the biden administration.
17. Closing Remarks: push (-1 to the media again). It would have been a point to Baldwin until she quoted "Fact Checkers" unironically. Again. This was just the moderators throwing a broken poolcue between the candidates and telling them its tryouts…
A word of warning. Though Jill Geisler kept her claws in pretty well, the website she pushed people to in the debate for "further education" uses sources as thoroughly partisan and left aligned as she is.
Final tally: Hovde 6. Baldwin 1. Media -2.
Trump set. the date on the withdrawal. Conditions on the ground change. I don’t believe a withdrawal date should have been set ahead of time and even into another administration
They are letting Hovde have a lot more time.
Regulations in Nursing Homes are to protect the elderly. Everyone has heard of horror stories. Those would be worse. People who own for profit homes care about profits, regulations are for them.
Hovde is lying. Google it.
Republicans would rather complain about problems than fix them!
Women are dying & leaving their living & breathing children motherless!
Pregnancy complications can happen at any time during a pregnancy, so there shouldn't be any time limit.
Wow, typical Republican projection! He's lying through his teeth & has the gall to say Tammy is lying.
Tammy Baldwin what about Here in Wisconsin with the Immigrants in White water… And What can White water Wisconsin Offer anyone besides a Good Education…We Are NOT A SANK City Tammy Baldwin… About and Us Wisconsin Knight and Housing There's No More Hud or Section 8 Please Explain The Homeless Is Overwhelming in Wisconsin… Tammy What Have you Done For Wisconsin in the Last 11 Years for Wisconsin…No Ads Period… There All Lies..We Live with this Woman Shes Changed and She's all Government…She Sold us Out…She's out..Eric your time is Up Because you were Making Sense….Bais Milwaukee and Corrupt…
Democrats Will Be Lower On Medical , Tax For The Poor , Middle Class Etc.
Not a single question on economy or inflation? All progressive issue topics? What kind of sham debate is this? Let’s make it clear we are rigging it for the Dem candidate as usual .