The Fall of 8 Passengers: Most TRAGIC Story On YouTube
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Children’s voices matter ❤
Ruby's sister looks just like selena gomez
The response to the "Am I Gay?" quiz is INSANE. Some straight teens take those quizzes to AFFIRM their heterosexuality. But, even if that didn't happen, kids that are not-straight will question themselves , whether they see any 'LGBT influences' or not.
Watched so many yt documentaries about this and still don’t know what the fuck living in truth means.
" cis gender" ? Im out , wanted to watch but Im out
Tbh I don't see too much wrong with the anger on the Tt dancing for their 13 yr old daughter. I know yall have seen some of those dances a d they are part and partial to desensitization of everyone. It's not okay and it shouldn't be part of a school pe class. And the principal has also been desensitized; it was shown in her tone. Even you the creator of this are minimizing the issue. Especially of the song. If all you knew was holy music and then went to school hearing that song. It would shock factor you. The parents seeing this emotion in their daughter would most definitely go to bat. My best friend is now a homeschooling mom because of a song they were doing a report on that was demonic and sexual. I think it's really fkn sad that schools do as they do. Even my Christian school had a "mascarade " during Halloween and said we weren't participating or celebrating the devils birthday but just have a mask. Alot of how they parented is sadly the way many church family's are raised but I'm only a small bit in and I did of threw some of the slow moving stuff.
May this ve received with love for it was typed with love.
I know this video is rather old, but I am currently binging your content and I just wanted to say that this is, by far, the most thorough investigation i have seen into the 8 Passengers/Jodi Hildebrandt story. I have read and watched countless pieces of media about this story, but none have been as detailed and woven together as effectively as this one. Jessi’s story and the deep dive into Jodi’s past was particularly enlightening, and not discussed nearly to the same depth in any other article/ video i have seen.
Frequent injuries CAN be evidence of abuse, and rubies kids were certainly abused, but as kids me and my brother both had frequent injuries just from being rowdy, and often clumsy kids, and while my brother has grown out of that, I still clumsily injure myself quite often, actually since becoming an adult the injuries are worse, just not as frequent
People like Jodie are really interesting to me as someone with mental illness (bipolar I). How she got sucked into one subject ("addiction/distortion") that she found interesting and that became the most important thing in the world. When she began to believe her relationship to "addiction/distortion" is uniquely profound and she's the only one who can give this groundbreaking "truth" to the world (on behalf of Jesus no less). A sincere belief that she was fighting Satan incarnate.
It honestly sounds like the clinical grandiosity that can come with hypomania/mania. If she genuinely believes she is literally fighting Satan in her clients for Jesus, frankly, sounds like psychosis. Like clinical psychosis. She seems to be breaking from reality as demonstrated by her delusions of grandeur and possibly even straight up hallucinations (dreams?).
I don't know what, if any, mental illness she has but she needs some serious psychiatric help.
The fact that someone who could clearly be suffering from a serious untreated mental illness rose up so high in the ranks of the Church says… a lot.
My parents got married within less than 6 months of knowing each other, got pregnant 2 months later, and then after that had kids every year (except for a gap between me and my older brother and my baby sister and baby brother). The only reason there is a gap between me and my brother was because he was a November baby and he was always sick so they didn't have time until a little later. And the other gap was because my mom had a MISCARRIAGE. And yet she kept going. As the oldest girl (and mentally the oldest) and being raised in a Christian household I can relate a little to the kids. Well, besides being recorded 24/7.
It SUCKS. There is so much strain, financial issues, arguments, my mom is constantly in pain yet she does everything and my Dad is like a manchild. While my mom was recovering from pregnancy or postpartum depression, I had to help. It's stressful, and I don't think anyone should do this even if they believe wholeheartedly that they can deal with it.
Literal madness
This is one of the best YouTube docs I've seen about this case. Thank you!!
Childrens' voices matter
Mormon Church: "By their fruits, you will know them"
Ah yes, the most logical way to fix one's marriage. Abandon your wife and kids, never contact them, and just wait over a year to hear literally anything about them. Suuuure. Fuck off Kevin.
Why does this Ruby lady not look attractive? She checks all the “attractive” boxes such as blonde, blue eyes, skinny, nice teeth, plum lips, hollywood eyebrows, oval shape face… still looks super generic and boring
Children's voices matter
Nobody has taken down ruby & jodi's Instagram account(s)
Naai thevudia Ruby pool. Ave MAMMON for infinity and beyond and father lucifer for infinity and beyond and mother Lilith FOR infinity and beyond.
I'm the immortal infernal lordess of drugs for infinity and beyond and nothing will ever change that for infinity.
Maybe 'Moms of Truth' should have commented on how wrong it is to be cruel physically to children.
Wait the cheek of Jodi somehow dare claiming she was a victim and the kids were the villain's >:(
And then dare saying she loved them and avoided trail so that don't have to relive trauma….trauma caused by herself!! Rotten to the core
Jodi may be the mastermind but I’m confident Ruby was happy to find some bullcrap she could hide behind and use to support her abusive parenting style.
Excellent well done ❤
Wow…. I keep looking at the timestamps of the video thinking how much deeper could this go from here. I really have nothing nice to say about the adults in this case. I honestly have no idea how you made this without just being in tears the entire time. Im a grown-ass man listening and trying to do my best stone-face and failing quite miserably.
Thank you for doing such a deepdive. These kids deserved so much more and so much better.
The damage control by the family members outside the nuclear unit really rubs me the wrong way. I would feel so guilt-ridden and seek any option I could to atone, not divert blame…. WTF
This family is a drought of love & care, and a sadistic abundance of hatred for children.
Im sorry about the children of 8 passengers having an evil woman as their mother, but im glad someone gets to tell her what to do now
There is no doubt in my mind that if they had taken Russell and Eve to Arizona, they would've killed them. They would've tortured those poor, sweet little kids to death and buried them in the desert like Lori Vallow and Chad Maybel did. Russell literally rescued himself and his sister in the nick of time.
The worst thing is that so many people were sounding the alarm for YEARS, but it wasn't until Ruby literally tortured her children and ONE OF THEM ESCAPED that anyone stepped in.
Kevin Franke needs to be put in jail also
Jodie's Sister: "We did all we could lEgAlLy~!"
Dude. Her car breakdown had me crying laughing. What a pathetic, delusional fool
She’s a narcissist
So off subject but DAMN they all look so much alike!
I hope all the kids are are able to find peace ❤
That mom is like “my kids aren’t welcome to come live with me after they turn 18 years old”
These people are really out here distorting the meaning of the word addiction
The whole “waking up early for scripture” is a heavy Mormon thing. My wife grew up Mormon, and throughout her high school experience, students have seminary in the morning where they go to the church to practice and pray. She would get AT the building at FIVE IN THE MORNING, every day before high school. She also had extra curriculars after, so typically would be waking up at 4 am, and getting back home around 6 pm.
I couldn’t handle that type of schedule as an adult, let alone a developing teenager.
how did they even get popular that woman’s voice is so hard to listen to it actually started making me angry
She's one of the people who give Americans a bad name. I would tell her to grow up
2:31:30 the town of Footloose all over again … smh
so i was raised in the mormon church, born and raised in utah. i have since left and have been SO much happier mentally and spiritually. i hate that chur- that CULT. but one of the main reasons i left is the blatant sexism and old fashioned gender roles established in the church. growing up, while the boys group all went white water rafting or on fun camping trips, us girls got together to learn to iron our future husbands clothes, how to tie a tie in case they don’t know how, and how to cook ‘housewife’ meals. i was always so jealous of the boys and how much fun they got to have. and then THEYRE the ones who get to be leaders, and ‘sPeCiAl PoWeRs’. it’s ridiculous.
These two women so disgust me.
Jodi should never have become a therapist.