Dairy and Cancer
How do we explain the increased risk of prostate cancer but the decreased risk of colon cancer associated with dairy consumption …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
How do we explain the increased risk of prostate cancer but the decreased risk of colon cancer associated with dairy consumption …
Whoa, that was a long one, but I didn’t want to break it up and lose the narrative thread. I hope it was clear enough. This may be one of those that require a second listen because I packed a bunch in there. Check out the description for other related videos you might be interested in.
Excelente información.
Most people drink milk wrong way and its also wrong milk. Buy pasteurized milk and non homoginzed cow milk from cow owners in the town that feed them grass naturally not forceful.
Personally I feel better without dairy, although yougurt seems to agree with me, maybe it's according to your blood type
You are not civil and respectful…you betray the freedom of expression just because people does not agree with your selfisness.
Los lacteos de ahora hechos c9n leche hormonizada provoca cancer pero si tu compras en pequeñas granhas o locales de pueblito esos lacteos son tan beningnos como el pan
No hay fuera de El
Wouldn’t the feed and nutrition of the cows also be a factor? Steroids and antibiotics etc
Why does this guy talk like that? With like scripted little stutters and hesitations?
Is this Woody Allen talking????
Yes it this your
Good video but cant stand the way he speaks.
Yes it this
Después del doctor Bayter salieron muchos médicos y nutricionista a opinar lo contrario hay que ser honesto fiel y sincero ayudar a las personas si tienen un poquito de espiritualidad
Milk? What about a little butter on your veggies or bread?
Italians eat plenty of dairy and are some of the longest lived people.
Biased pov and cherry picking. Ask Gemini AI or chat gpt for science based proof and you get better answer. Btw how about the 40+ years research on the blue zone in California that they found that overall pescetarians and lacto-ovo vegetarians live longer and fair better than strictly vegans?
ferment your milk and you're good to go
Michael, two suggestions:
1, your speech pattern doesn't sound convincing, at times even sound dishonest. I'm sure it's just the style thing
2. Your videos are mainly about individual studies, with no mention of sponsors, given the nature of scientific field and studies, one can find studies to support either side, which makes your point of little value, if you can upgrade to review meta-analysis, then it would be of some value.
It is also a FACT that the red countries in your illustrations are countries that REQUIRE milk to be pasturized and homogonized. As opposed to the non red countries which do not. This is NOT a coincidence making your study another misrepresentation of raw dairy.
O sea los que consumen leche sufren de cáncer, entonces que vamos hacer con las vacas, no todo lo que dicen hay que poner cuidado.
Well, milk increases the risk of prostate cancer, but what happens in women? Does milk increase the risk of some type of cancer in women?
So is fermented cheese bad or cheese? You are showing cheese on the poster.
Te radicar al español
1.- Lecherias ponen productos en la leche y agua, actualmente no hay un abasto real de leche, incluso hacen polvos para fabricar leche, no me asusta el consumo de leche, si no lo que venden en lugar de leche, debe haber consiencia de esto, ademas la poblacion deberia bajar su consumo porque no hay suficiente leche ni carne para alimentar a todos, deberia haber variaciones y comer mas cosas, pero asustar a la poblacion que les dara cancer por consumir leche, es como decir que Zuiza esta condenada al cancer, ademas comparan graficas sin tomar en cuenta el tabaco y el alcohol, o el consumo de grasas solo estan enfocados en los lacteos, mi madre tuvo cancer y es intolerante a los lacteos, ahora es normal pedir vino o cerveza que leche, gente no se dejen engañar solo no hay abasto de leche somos muchos humanos consumiendo lacteos, y no es facil alimentar a tantos, pero en lo personal esto es falso.
Cancer cannot be cured better quit Dairy
Conclusion: just fast and be feed of Prana.
a la industria alimentaria no le gusta esto
Yo no consumo: Trigo, Arroz, Maíz, Azúcar, Lácteos y Aceites y manteca vegetales.
Cocino con manteca de cerdo, como muchas verduras y carne la necesaria de puerco, res, pollo, pescado y cordero, como chicharrones y cueritos de puerco y aún así estoy adelgazando.
You missed the most important bit of this whole research…THE QUALITY OF THE MILK!!! Was it milk from Organic Grass Fed, free range cows???
What if Casein and Whey body builders and health fanatics use??? Are they killing their health unknowingly??
Muchas gracias
Me gustaría que hubiera subtítulo en español , no
Bad… all dairy is bad. It also causes oesteoporosis ..
Why does he talk like that?
Buenísima,tirada dor Ermes gracias. Se agradece
la leche de soya es ultra cancerigena
Los veganos serían los más saludables y también los que tienen mejor conciencia porque con lo que se alimentan no le están causando daño a ningún ser vivo.
If milk does increase igf1 then body builders should love milk. GOMAD to make gainsss
Melk got gmo in it
Common sense should tell us that no adult animal should breastfeed from another species. It was just a survival strategy adopted by people way back when "more calories" was the only health goal.
Nutritional science unsurprisingly proves that right.
How sick and horror-movie-like is it for one super-intelligent species to masturbate and impregnate some other species in mass factories, to drink and eat breastmilk. If we weren't so used to it, and were introduced to the practice, it would be received as an alien horror show. In other words – the only thing keeping the dairy industry alive is cultural conditions, concealment of practices and an ignorant population.