❌ Why I Say NO to Seed Oils: A Medical Doctor’s Perspective
While institutions like the American Heart Association and the US dietary guidelines continue to recommend the consumption of …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
While institutions like the American Heart Association and the US dietary guidelines continue to recommend the consumption of …
After several of these videos, grocery shopping isn't near as appetizing (or fun) as it use to be.
Even being a mostly "from scratch" cook, products need to be researched and recipes altered.
YT channel "What I've Learned" recently had a video demonstrating that linoleic acid from seed oils is a major factor in declining IQ scores in the US over the last forty years. So, yet another reason to avoid them.
It's okay. I choose saturated oils as I am happy with it. Other people may do otherwise. I have a choice skipping fast food fries but have the occasional hamburger. Situation is more sticky with school cafeterias. We are making steps to bag the school lunches and skip gravies and fried foods at restaurants without going vegetarian. Switching toward Omega 3 fats is an excellent exercise when asking what the restaurants put in their food even if at the end we settle for broth soup or meat-only dish the likes of a duck, hold the sides.
One more thing. The schools are becoming aware of the problems with sugar, even with teenagers. Our school does not allow colas on premises. Looking good. Did you know that shooting insulin is even worse than not shooting it? With insulin the body gets used to the external source and diabetes cannot be reversed. So there.
Until I was 25 i was frequently sick with sinusitis, colitis, frequent lumbalgias and am very prone to air borne allergies since childhood… our family consumed a lot of sunflower and canola, and margerine, which were all marketed as super healthy and much more healthy than animal fats. It took me 10y or so to grow out of that mess, and nowadays I very rarely catch even a small cold. …since 30y now my main oil is EVOO, with 15..20% coconut, and 10% ghee, living on a high fat, very moderate carb diet. i would say, that my seed oil consumption, except from whole food nuts, is much less than 1%
I consume plenty of seed oils and seem to be very healthy. I consume these oils as a whole food just as my ancestors have for millions of years. I choose Omega 3 rich seeds such as flax, chia, and walnut as first choices … but include sesame, soy beans, black cumin, celery seed, etc. As whole healthy foods… not foods "made in a factory". Butter, olive oils, lard, and beef tallow were not part of my ancestor's diet except for a minor role in recent history. I include olive and avocado oils from the mesocarp of fruits. Due to my age about 1 gram of EPA/DHA rich fish oil.
Isn't it strange how I rebelled by cooking with lard and tallow to try and get a heart attack, but instead became a very happy and active 56 year old who only used seed oils as a fuel or a source to make paints!
Are there any studies about longevity, all cause mortality and omeg6/omega3 ratio out there?