Mercola accidentally proves meat is healthy @dr.mercola
This guy is really confusing, but it’s funny because he proves the one thing which is constantly demonized, and yet keeps …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
This guy is really confusing, but it’s funny because he proves the one thing which is constantly demonized, and yet keeps …
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/16758631/ "Reactions between beta-casomorphins-7 and 5-HT2-serotonin receptors " Its pretty much a downer.
Mercola hasn't a clue that the plant boat has sailed with a large hole in the hull and is rapidly sinking with all the data supporting carnivore as the PHD. Nothing burger here at his site.
How about raw tahini sesame seed butter? Nick norwitz did a short video saying he can boost ketone levels about 3x vs butter by adding some of that before a fast, Im wondering what the trade off is for higher ketone levels vs possible increased inflammation…
Is it worth it or best to avoid?
Here is a link to his video, he talks about it at 4:35
A classic case of cognitive dissonance, getting the biochemistry right and then drawing the wrong conclusions.
bro has a whole movie in his "coming up"
I do great with milk, but I have never been overweight, never been carb addicted.
I have cut it out before and I feel and perform better with it in.
But I’m a Western European Yamnaya descent, so of course I like milk.
personally not a fan of the "coming up" section, feels like a spoiler
Mercola was pro carnivore diet years ago but he realized there was no money in just meat and so he wiped it from his website. Selling supplements is his way of making his living.
Could you do a video about "insulin suppression" that Dr. Ben Bikman and Dr. Cyres talk about?
Reminds me of Gundry, who tells you how bad plants are for you, then tells you to eat them.
You pointing out milk and how it seems to encourage you to add more unneeded foods. That has happened to me over the last few months
mercola is not anti meat, he always does podcasts with haidut which is a ray peater
Mercola is promoted as being anti-MSHealth but still promotes the whole fallacious Virology nonsense that just like the plant based nutrition fallacy so to the proven non existent of virology and germ theory including the term used here ie Immune system, a human construct used to prop up the virology scam. Look up Dr Sam and Mark Bailey or Stefan Lanka.
Blaise blockdd me from commenting….proof that hes a psychopathic egomaniacal narcissist liar
Please make a Mercola review a frequent feature. That guy says so many idiotic things that it will provide you with a wealth of funny content topics.
So, how can we enjoy modern indulgences, in moderation, while minimizing the damage? I don't want to give up NY-style pizza. What is the point if you can't enjoy the modern world? Eating steak every day, while delicious, is going to get boring. And there is no diet that will extend your life indefinitely so there must be a more nuanced answer.
Blaise, please, take a look at Dr. Mathew Nagra’s channel; he’s their worst representative, and I simply can’t stand him, especially after his debate with Anthony Chaffee. On top of that, he uses his own tricks on his channel to reinforce his bias and points out mistakes in other doctors' arguments, which he constantly makes himself! And it turns out he sometimes even copies videos 1-to-1 from other TikTok doctors (proof: Dr.Brein Short about one egg a day increasing IQ by 15 points in children).
The majority of a modern diets calories come from seed oils.
I would not consider seed oil a plant source, since you can't make it in your own kitchen no matter how many plants you have.
Dinkov refers to Alzheimer's as diabetes of the brain.
The 'hook' intro is really getting tiresome. I'd suggest removing it, probably has net negative on watchtime these days because it's overdone.
Maybe they were funded by vegans, but left the raw data for smart people to figure it out.
Hey Blaise I know you wouldnt approve of beans and chickpeas but what do you think of them in comparison to wheat, rice and potatoes?
Trying to get extra calories, meat gives me enough protein but Im always in a MASSIVE caloric deficit.
Thanks brother.
I hate these presentations where a guy read from the internet, injecting their thoughts. You sound very low IQ.
I remember Dr. Mercola. I followed him about 20 years ago, and stopped after I found out that he's mostly loony. I remember trying washing my ears with peroxide trying to kill the common cold virus like he recommended and it did nothing to me, a friend of mine attempted to not wear glasses (that he needed) to improve his eyesight and the end result was that he went around half-blind for a whole year, after which he put his glasses back on and had the same bad-ish eyesight as before. At one point Dr. Mercola sent me "coco casava bars" that he said were the best things to eat if you want something sweet. They did taste pretty good, but later on I learned that casava is pretty much the highest amount of cyanide in it of all products that are generally considered edible.
There is an eternal law that evil seems to follow: always warn what you are going to do so that the karmic responsibility lies with the person who receives the information so to avoid your wrong doing, but do not exercise their will and understanding. In this case, these people give you the information so that you can see they are wrong, so, according to this eternal law, even if they induce you to harm, it ends up being you own fault because you've chosen to harm yourself willingly ang knowingly.
I remember him. He had a book called the no grain diet. Ironically I considered my diet the real no grain diet LOL!
Great video, Blaise! I'm excited about this motivation video, I think it's going to help me a lot.