Dangers of Soy – Explaining Why Soy is Bad | BeWellBuzz.com
Why soy is dangerous? http://www.bewellbuzz.com/ http://www.bewellbuzz.com/podcast-video/soy-dangers-exposed/ Dangers of …
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Why soy is dangerous? http://www.bewellbuzz.com/ http://www.bewellbuzz.com/podcast-video/soy-dangers-exposed/ Dangers of …
Very good information! Thanks for sharing.
SOY contains large amounts of compounds called isoflavones which are phtyoestrogens.They mimic the effects of the Female Hormone estrogen in both men and women.Although phyto estrogens are not estrogens , in our body phytoestrogens sit in the same receptor sites that estrogen would ,thus similar effects are produced.And this will increase breast cancer as these types of cancers needs estrogen to grow .Increased estrogenic activity from soy isoflavones can contribute siginficantly to these conditions.While in men major endocrine disruption such as; gynecomastia , erectile dysfunction , low sperm function and hypsexaulity.Soy as also been linked to thyroid cancer .These effects only impacts us when we over consume soy products .Too much of nothing is not good.
Whatever i still love soy!!
The soy found In minimally processed foods are safe, and have many health benefits. Of course, soy like any other food has some elements that could have a negative impact if consumed in large amounts. The phytoestrogens found in soy are rather weak, but can block the action of human estrogen on cancer cells. They can also help with prostate cancer in men. Soy found in processed foods should be avoided as much as possible, they exclude many of the health promoting compounds of the soy bean. Isolated soybean oil and protein should be avoided. Overall, foods such as soy milk have to be consumed in exorbitant amounts to cause problems. For example, if a male drinks a gallon of soy milk every day he may grow breast. Of course soy found in McDonald’s products aren’t good for you. Some soy burgers or sausages could be ok, it depends on how the product was made, but in general processed foods aren’t good. I wouldn’t suggest eating grass fed beef instead of soy. I would argue that fermented soy and bean curd is a better choice than grass fed beef.
Those burgers and patties made from mushrooms, nuts, seeds and veg you mentioned sound delicious! I'm going to make them
It's the processed soy products, fake foods, isolated soy protein that is the culprit. Soy protein isolate raises IGF-1 levels. TRADITIONAL soy – tempeh, miso, edamame, in small amounts, have inconsequential effects, eaten the way the Asians did as condiments
That's what y'all said about coconut oil back in the day now researchers say "it's the best"
I agree that breastfeeding is best. I'm asking ppl to let not only your baby get everything they need, but let the baby calf get everything they need too. Stop drinking breastmilk, grass fed or not…it's made for a cow's baby. No one is taking our breastmilk from our baby, we get to give it to them, so what gives us the right to take it from the calf?
Great information thanks for providing it
soy crops kill millions of animals & insects….vegans have a lot 2 answer 4…..
soy baby formula is a crime against humanity, at least adults have the CHOICE not to eat this crap
This video is so misleading and not science-based. Soy, in its whole food form and not GMO grown, is a great food to consume. What's dangerous for our health is "processed soy" NOT the plant itself. And this is not my personal opinion! Asian people (especially Japanese) eat soy all the time and they are far more healthier than people on a Western Diet (which relies heavily on animal foods). Please, get educated and do not spread false information on something that actually promotes health.
Please, watch this video instead to get the facts on soy.
This video be bullshit. Who you gettin this info from brudda!
Fake Article. Recent science proved men who drink soy instead of Cows milk have 13% high testosterone than those who drink or eat dairy products.
Bullshit! Look at the Asians, they eat tons of soy. Think!
BULL S**T!!!
Grass-fed chicken? I think you mean pastured, right? hehe
is there a study correlating homosexuality in men with this?
Honesty get a grip man Before you think about the dangers of veg research the meat and dairy animal agriculture that’s the main thing that increases this risks of diabetes and cancer etc….
what about fermented soy like miso and tempeh
I salute you. Your saving peoples from a horrible death. Canola oil is deathly. Can you look up serrapeptase. It is an alternative therapy for inflamation.
Total BS. Once Buddhism entered entered Korea and Japan they gave up meat. A 1000 fueking years ago. And, mixing up medical conditions with dubious facts. Go tell up Buddhist Korean or Japanese man and tell him that he is a b1tch a see what happens. The most aggressive samurai was the mountain clans with there high soy diet. Everything you are saying is selective interpretation of dubious research papers. With no longer term like a 1000 years of eating say to back up your Dingle brained claims. And don't forget the Soy eating Vietcong. Fool