Why Pork Is SCIENTIFICALLY Bad For You (This is Why Islam PROHIBITS Pork!)
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Islam #Bobbysperspective #christianity Book Umrah & Hajj: https://purepassage.co/ Become an Affiliate Partner: …
Im french im on my way of reverting to Islam i stop eating pork a bit difficult for because i love french saucisson sec but i recently found out there is Hala saucisson sec of beef and lamb cant wait to try it
Ma sha Allah
I grew going to a Pentecostal Church in the South of the USA that is not Catholic. We grew up being taught "Pork Is Bad For You", scientifically and religiously and God advises (ADVISES) not to eat Pork or other Unclean Animals as they are the Garbage Scows of the earth for cleaning up things so other species do not get contaminated and have health problems. This was taught in the home (where we were eating Pork) and in our Chruch (where they serve Pork at Dinner on the Grounds and on Pizza Night). Our church members also owned a hunting property 50 mils out of town where members could hunt and camp and go to do large family activities, which included BAR-B-Qs, and Grilling / Roasting meat and Pork was a regular part of those meals.
Eating Pork will not put someone in HELL.
The bible teaches, "There is sin which leads unto death and sin which leads not unto death. All sin is WRONG, but there is sin that leads unto death, and I am not talking about that sin."
Another place int he bible, Jesus (Isa al Masih) is being asked by the religious leaders about his followers. They were walking in a field and his followers were gleaning, which is picking wheat grains along the edge of the field (which is lawful) and eating them without washing the hands. So, the religious leaders were pointing out God told Moses to tell the people to wash before eating. Jesus replies, "What goes into the mouth does not defile the person. What comes out of the mouth, that is what defiles a person."
So, Jess was pointing out that on issues of Spirituality and what causes people to be unclean and go to HELL when they die, is Vile things people say. This in no way is to say it is OK to eat vile things, it is just pointing out that on the ultimately issue of going to HELL or going to HEAVEN, is Spiritual and a Physical diet is for Physical Benefit and Spiritual Diet is of spiritual benefit. For if Wickedness is stored up in the mind and soul of a person, then Wickedness comes out of their Mouth and through their Hands and their feet are swift to run to do Evil. <– These Evil things are not caused by eating a physical meal like Haram / Unkosher beef cuts or pork or crabs or shrimp.
A sinner who eats pork or shrimp or crabs is just as rejected by God as a sinner who eats what are considered clean meats and veggies.
Likewise, a sinner who eats clean cuts of meat and fresh fruits and veggies, gets balanced exercise and has a positive attitude will typically be healthier than a very religious person who eats animals they should not be eating. Just the same, a person who forgives people who sin against them and he ls the widows and fatherless and pays his workers a good wage and teaches others to do the same and they eat whatever they want, they will not go to HELL if they die. This is because GOD is True Living Knowledge, thus there is not False Knowledge in GOD and if we who are NOT Perfect, know how to prosecute the guilty of their crimes and leave innocent people who obey most of the laws, including obeying the most important laws to be free of persecution, how much more do we know 100% for sure that GOD (who is Perfect) will Judge with Mercy and True Justice over humans and animals that die.
This is the essential teachings of Jesus (Isa al Masih).
There are two Spiritual Fathers
A child, after school goes home.
If you are passing in life as following True Living Knowledge and like a Tree you bear fruit of Love, Kindness, Forgiveness, Peace, Mercy and Grace then you go home to your FATHER GOD.
If you are failing in life as one following False Knowledge and bearing Evil Tree fruit of Hatred, Greed, Envy, Pervasion, Violence, Thievery and spreading Lies, then you go home to the DEVIL.
Everyone has a Spiritual Father, it is not who you say, but how you live towards others.
GOD is a GOD of Action and judges people based on their ACTIONS.
Do you want to be FORGIVEN when you make a mistake and Sin?
you NEED To Pass On To Others, What You NEED From God.
If you forgive, then you shall be forgiven.
If you do not forgive, then you shall not be forgiven.
How much do you want to be forgiven?
Little, then Forgive Little, because you will get what you put into Life.
ALL? Then Forgive ALL, because you WILL GET what you put into Life.
Keep in mind, GOD knows our thoughts and knows what we wrestle against to resist or to give into.
If GOD is your Spiritual Father, then you live like your Father and pass on his VALUES by Lifestyle and Teaching.
A good son sees what the Father does and does it also.
Salvation is so easy even a good child can stay out of Eternal Punishment.
Adult Humans make it Complicated, not GOD.
You can 100% know for sure you will stay out of Eternal Punishment, just pass on to others what you need from your Father God.
Evil people pass on to others Evil Deeds and Lies, because their Father is the Devil.
The DEVIL is False Knowledge
GOD is True Knowledge
Children of True Knowledge are sons of GOD.
This is what Jesus (Isa al Masih) came to teach.
If GOD is your Fater, you are a child of GOD and when you are done with SCHOOL in this life, you go home to your Father God.
You only need a Passing Grade, not a Perfect Score, only GOD has a Perfect Score, but you can be like your Father God if you forgive others and show mercy and help the poor and do not uphold unrighteousness in lifestyle nor speech and do not defend the wicked but set the captives free from the wicked. If God is your spiritual Father, you have the authority to forgive sins of people who sin against you. You Have That Authority because you are a child of God and all of creation belongs to your Spiritual Family.
Physical Diet helps you Physically.
Spiritual Diet helps you Spiritually.
There is sin which leads unto death and there is in which leads NOT unto death.
All sin is wrong, but not all sin leads unto death.
Sin is just another word that means WRONG or BAD or UNCLEAN.
Some things are wrong and can lead to problems, but they ALL do not lead to HELL.
A pig can scare god to hell and back
I had a friend and yes he is a Muslim from New Zealand and he sent me this, well appreciated, thank you for your input
Christians stuck in a matrix
Maashaallaah! Great and Helpful Video Bobby Sir! One way to prove why Allaah knows best.
Pork created to cleaning the barn from animal filth, not to be eaten
Which christian goes by bible anyways. They accept what suits their purpose
Traditionally Okinawans ate lots of Pork and had amazing health and life span.
Maybe wild pork is healthier than farmed pork.
Didn't you make a video a few years back where you filmed yourself smashing a pig's skull in so you could feast on it like a glutton?
Have you repented for that since becoming Muslim?
Thus again god knows better then us. Three holy books have forbade it and now science have confirmed it was so. Yet some just can't let what was forbaded to them for their own good by god go, like a stubborn child disobeying their parents on not eating too much candy for it would ruin their teeth and give them diabetes.
La Illa Ha Il Allah
Allah says that he is all wise, therefore whatever he commands or prohibits has many wisdom in it even if we do not know the wisdom.
However, we must not obey due to the wisdom rather due to the command of Allah whether we know the wisdom or not.
Not surprised that the “science” or the “researchers” would make excuses for pork they make excuses for anything that goes against their desires let me give three examples. They make excuses for “€h!ld m@rr!@ge” to be harmful even though the data says other wise even when it comes to studies showing h0m0$£xaulity and tr@n$g£nd£r!sm are dangerous and harmful for humans the “researchers” make excuses by saying “muh but stigma” another example is how feminism has done more harm to women than good and yet the “researchers” have to make excuses for feminism by saying “they need more rights” even though the data says otherwise inshallah there will come a time where these researchers will have to admit the truth and say it bluntly that tr@n$g£nd£r!sm h0m0$£xaulity and feminism and the banning of “€h!ld m@rr!@ge” to have caused more harm to men and women and children than good the science or researchers had to admit that modernity was the reason for all this depression and people Kia themselves rates eventually they will have to admit that they were wrong on these other topics.
Informative with great presentation as ever…
Enjoyed the tiny blooper which occurs once in a lifetime… ;p
multiple sclerosis is so unknown in our Muslim country Pakistan that at least I have never heard of it, it must be so rare
PLEASEE don't put pictures of this thing on the thumbnail, its just UNBEARABLE!! Can't look at it
So Japanese, especially Okinawan who eat pork called with their delicious soba noodles is unhealthy. You have to admit it is just a religous thing that Jews and Muslims attempt to justify their rules. Okinawans love pork and tend to have no problem living longer than Arabs.
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام
I’m so proud of you brother Bobby! ❤
Lol what crap bahaha, typical, islam = Lies
Pork is not the only unclean meat you should not eat, fishes that do not have fins and scales are unclean for the same reasons as pork and also animals that do not chew the cud and have cloven foot. these are Hebraic laws, even those fake Jews is Israel do adhere to all of them.
Example of unclean fishes, Cod, Mackerel, shark, squid, shrimp, prawns, lobsters, haddock and the list goes on.
It is bad because how pork was treated. If pork is treated naturally without feeding him with piosons, its healthy as any other animal. What you show there is just badly treated pork from factory farming in supermarkets. But most people treat their pork badly in their farms, its not just from factory farming. Healthy pork is very rare nowadays.