AHS18 Emily Deans – Evolutionary Psychiatry: Food and Mood
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This is a fascinating subject delivered by a really smart woman who knows her subject well. What a gift she is to help us all understand the importance of diet.
Definitively she's not following what preaches
This just made me hungry for some calf brains.
why are you fffat ?
24:36 – Not only did humans tend to eat a greater variety of plants, even a few generations ago – a much greater variety of animals were also eaten. Lamb & sheep, duck, game like venison, pheasant, grouse, squirrel, elk… both domestic and wild geese, guinea fowl, pigeon & squab, goat, elk & other things like groundhog, racoon, bear – all these and a few more were commonly eaten just a few generations ago. Along with a wide range of fish and shellfish.
Now we eat CAFO chicken, feedlot finished beef, and CAFO pork, and turkey once or twice a year, and maybe processed into hot dogs or fake bacon in between the holidays.
Ugh… she's so booooring!!!
So sad to say this. Great lady, no doubt. Great info. Speaker needs something. This is mindful of reading a phone book. Sleep inducing.
The article she mentions is "The role of microbiome in central nervous system disorders", PDF is free online.