Aren’t Free-Range Eggs OK? (Longtime Vegan Answers Biggest Questions)
I’ve been vegan for 15 years, so I thought I could answer some questions about veganism. I searched “biggest questions about …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
I’ve been vegan for 15 years, so I thought I could answer some questions about veganism. I searched “biggest questions about …
You should be voted the international spokesperson for veganism at this point.
Indoor cats is not cruel! Outdoor cats are almost always killed by a car or another animal. There are so many ways to enrich them inside with bird feeders at windows, tunnels, puzzles, cat trees, I even taught mine high five, spin, sit, etc! And of course regular playtime everyday ❤
Oh, it's that girl who tried to say vegans were more oppressed than the gays.
I was indoctrinated to try to get myself to blink my eyes 1 time per minute so I could get my eyelids to last much longer, but I went back to my intuition of about 15 times per minute without thinking about it. The 8.7 million species of animals have a 100% success rate with their species diet as long as they had access to the food and no accidents happened. If a vegan diet does not have 100% success rate based on simple intuition then someone who consumes this newly invented vegan diet will eventually in time have a 100% failure rate.
100% of all vegans who buy the majority of their food in a public supermarket are responsible for more killing of animals and destroying the entire environment than those people who grow their own omnivore food of their own choices on their own property. Tell everyone you know not to mow their lawn because the tires and blades are killing millions of living creatures, and don't put bed sheets in the clothes dryer because they are killing millions of microscopic dust mites, don't walk on the sidewalk since you are crushing various tiny insects. However, please tell your friends to get termite treatment for their home because if those termites eat the structure of their home no insurance will cover the cost.
No, you would not necessarily kill less plants, because animals are great at converting plant waste into calories we would otherwise have to kill more directly edible plants' (parts) to obtain those calories from. The only correct answer to this is that plants are not sentient. So while what you said could be true of the current food system, it might well not be in a different scenario. Also, vegans ten to be healthier on average compared to the average non-vegan. However, once we have a health-conscious non-vegan eating a plant-forward diet, and consider all-cause mortality, we can see vegans do not come off better. But hey, we only need to know it is possible to be healthy eating a plant exclusive diet.
I'm not a fan of keeping chickens for eggs, because it typically means adopting or buying mostly or only female hens. Most people that breed chickens will kill male chicks as they don't lay eggs and can cause issues if they're in a group that has a 1:1 ratio of roosters to hens.
I heavily agree with your take at 6:48 and think it needs to be emphasized more amongst the vegan community. Getting a large portion of our population to reduce meat and dairy consumption is much more of a win than converting a handful of people to convert to full-on veganism. Ideally, the end goal would be that everyone is vegan, but you have to pick your battles.
need a video expanding knowledge your thoughts on it being cruel for cats to be kept indoor
Your skin looks vegan and you're not healthier and cholesterol is bs and please don't get a dog and feed him vegan that's animal cruelty
so much cope and lies in this video
I know a lot of vegans tend to shy away from answering the biology question like you did here, but the fact is that humans physiologically resemble frugivores in almost every way. Our closest animal relatives are largely frugivores too. I'm not advocating for a raw vegan diet or anything. I encourage a varied diet which includes many cooked plant foods. But it's wild how, even on the biology argument so many carnists think proves anything, they're wrong. Dr Milton Mills has a lot of great info on this. Either way though, what's "natural" for us to eat isn't always what we should eat. Cooking has made it so we can get so much more nutrition than we've been able to historically. Sorry for the tangent. Long story short, to satisfy the weirdos who ask the question, humans have indeed evolved to eat plants. All of the faculties we have suggest a very high-plant diet throughout the vast majority of the human timeline.
Most dog/cat kibble is made from the left overs of already slaughtered animals. So I'm not sure how true that is to say pet owners kill thousands of animals to fed their cats or dogs.
love your intelligent style!
Love your videos so much!
its interesting that most of the time you've encountered the term "plant-based" it's been fully vegan, my experience has been the opposite. I've seen many food products labeled plant-based that are just vegetarian, and even when working at a vegan restaurant people thought I was just vegetarian when I said I was "plant-based".
I have bought non-vegan products before on accident that were labeled plantbased so i'd reccommend to always check the ingredients if you are vegan
"Mediterranean diet" is seafood-based, if anything. the clue is in the name.
Watching this video while eating a vegan “pork” pie (a vegan version of a traditional British food I had missed). Most of the time I eat whole food but a couple of times a week I’ll have a vegan treat food. The point is to save animals and my fake pork pie achieves that!
Letting cats outside unsupervised is cruel, both for your cat and for native small animal populations. You wouldn’t let your dog roam the neighbourhood, so don’t let your cat do it. Supervised time outside on a harness or in an enclosure is great. Releasing a non-native predator everyday is crazy.
I would be curious to see a video like this but not about the why but the how (like this video is about the why and a part 2 could be about the how).
What are the esiest first steps (i assume swapping milk with plantmilk and similar things?)
but also things like how do you translate a meal which is typical meat centered into a vegan meal. like it would typically go what kinda meat is it and what would compliment it like steak with sauce, potatoes and maybe some green beans. Like how do you 'build' a vgan meal? do you just choose a grain and then??? (basically i feel like eating very diffrent food requires a different ways to think about foods and i am sure there are some reascherch and what not about different ways to transition like meatless mondays and then gradually adding more days but what are some other ideas like what if someone doesn't really cook and then want to cook vegan meals then what would be the best way to go about. To summaries a video like this but about transitioning and different ways you can go about and perhaps some links or something. I feel there are a lot of tips for those that already are skilled at cooking or those that have been vegetarian for a while and just want to go vegan but i think a Q&A for the rest would be useful (like if we can make people that just moved out interested that could give them some great habits moving forward or if someone eats really unhealthy and want to start eating better then doing that in a vegan way. I do know these groups are harder but i do think it has more potential as in more people would have these problems vs already being good in the kitchen and wanting to make a positive change)
I hop this makes sense and i really liked this video it works well as an overview for people entirely new to veganism i think 😀
About the honey thing: I think the big issue with honey is the competition honey bees have with other bee species and insects. Depending on how many hives are in an area, the honey bees might outcompete othets and threaten the food sources, leading to less biodiversity.