Flashback Friday: How Many Bowel Movements Should You Have & Should You Sit, Squat, or Lean?
Most people have between 3 bowel movements a day and 3 a week, but normal doesn’t necessarily mean optimal. Squatting and …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
Most people have between 3 bowel movements a day and 3 a week, but normal doesn’t necessarily mean optimal. Squatting and …
I'm finally going 3 times per day. They all feel great. I was vegetarian for months but was going once per day. Then, I had an infection and needed antibiotics. Once I was off the antibiotics I started going 3 times per day. Might be because I was supplementing probiotics
Defecography lol.
…this information was too late for Gigi Cestone…his wife's turkey "sangwiches" were like "shpackle" in his bowels…
I go between 3 and 7 times a day.
Especially if I eat greens the day before.
before i went vegan i used to be scared to go to poo, it was so painful, now im full wfpb and i love poopin!
Or you could Indian toilets
In terms of straining being dangerous and possibly leading to death… what about the straining that happens during the birth process?
I found the pop stools helps heaps when poppin! Try it out.
I had a friend who only had 1 BM per week and was proud of it. I thought that was crazy, but once a month I'd seriously worry.
I would love to hear Dr. Gregor's thoughts on childhood constipation and PEG 3350 (Miralax). Doctors way over prescribe it my opinion and it seems like that latest studies (though studies on the effects of this drug are few and far between) show that it kills your gut microbiome. Also, if your gut is screwed up from this drug what can you do to heal it? WFPB obviously, but would other foods like turmeric or foods high in antioxidants speed up gut healing?
Since going vegans many years ago, I go once a day… but I can no longer enjoy reading while sitting on the toilet; I don’t even get past studying the picture on the front cover. I insist on bringing my tablet and want to play a game, but always find myself having to hold it in if I want to play some :/ I always end up sitting longer than I have to. It was more fun before (not for health, obviously)
Big poop small hospitals. Small poop big hospitals.
3 times a day, boom, boom, boom
always thought these vegans spent half their time in the kitchen and the other half on the pot. here put to the test.
3 per day?!?
I have 1 per day and I get anywhere from 60g fiber to 90g of fiber.
3 per day would almost be annoying.
If we have been eating WFPB exclusive for 6 months and still have only 1 bm a day…what can we do to increase it to 2 bm a day. I'm sick of being bloated and the bloat hasn't gone away like everyone said it would.
I appreciate and thank you for the Nutritional Facts presented in your videos You may not be aware but some of the information presented may be confused as fact that are actually myths/theories, as with the age of the earth and evolution. Cheers
Fantástico video …gracias por su aportación y maravilloso trabajo el que usted realiza. AMOR POR LOS VEGETALES
Holy shit bro, you can die going to the toilet too? Thats hectic
People who are fat pigs and eat abused, exploited a murdered dead bodies of animals deserve all the problems they have defecating! Serves them right, and I don't care! You made your stool, now deal with it, ignorant uneducated schmuck!
When I was a meat eater, it was once per day. On a whole food plant based diet, it is more like 2-3 times per day. No straining at all. A person should be able to sit down on the toilet, relax, and naturally have a bowel movement with no straining.
Dr. G is really at his best, a burning fireball, when he's talking about bowel movements.
I usually watch this with my breakfast. Not today!
Great in theory but try working in retail & being able to get to the loo several times a day…..
Big poop. Little hospital.
I can totally agree with everything in this video. Before I turned plant based I experienced so many of the problems mentioned, and now I go every day easily and strain-free. I feel so much better. BUT, one thing that has become a big problem is that I'm now terrified of runner's stomach. I will often avoid going for a morning run because I know I'll probably be hit by the threat of a full-scale evacuation while I'm out in the middle of nowhere.
About two times a day is normal for me
my toilet seat has a built in bidet. heaven on earth.
To me it's unbelievable people who does no 2 only once a month or so. Two of my friends have that problem, I can't even conceive how you can live in such discomfort all the time? I'm on a WFPB diet and for me I wish I'd go less really (2-3 times a day is normal here!), missing a day once in a blue moon with fasting or on low caloric days and I can't function right. But, as a child I had a problem, my diet wasn't WFPB but just reg. American diet without too much junk but still… I did the squat to help on my own and I was under 8yrs old so I guess it's an instinct? It did help me allot as I remember.
Guess Ferdinand from Vegains was wrong about stools LOL
4-5 on average. Effortless. WFPB and happy!
Thanks Doc!! PS. You have made my life so much better
As a WFPB eater, once or twice per day is normal for me. Rare circumstances might have me miss a morning, but is rare.
The fiber deficiency in our Western diet is astounding and drives all sort of completely unnecessary conditions and disorders. FIBER RULES!
Some non-vegan friends were talking about toilet reading material. I told them healthy vegans don't read on the toilet. We go faster than dogs and clean up is a snap. Besides, we need all of the time we can get to help you all wake up.
I read this as Spashback Friday
what do u think about SKYR?
pls include metric measurements!
About a month ago I started intermittent fasting. As a result I have a bowel movement only twice a week and have developed constipation, even though my diet is 100% whole food. I’m not sure what I can do to elimiviate this.
Huh, I always leaned forward when defecating. I kinda learned it made it easier as a kid, and I still do.