Friday Favorites: The Optimal Vitamin B12 Dosage and Type
At age 50, everyone should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements regardless of the type of diet they follow.
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
At age 50, everyone should start supplementing with B12-fortified foods or supplements regardless of the type of diet they follow.
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I feel like this whole thing to aimed toward Pregnant women.
The cyanocobalamin triggers hypomania in me. I can only tolerate metholcgobalamin is the only type I can tolerate. I mean this is vital for me!
I am a ICU RN of over 30 years just retiring
I have been instructed for my entire career from Nutrtionists, Biologists, APRN that supplemental B-12 taken By mouth was destroyed in the stomach and therefore NOT benificial AND the reason that people with B12 deficiency require injections monthly to improve B12 levels
Can you clarify these
Dr Greger is the best on the planet ❤❤
Shoud WE take this dose everyday?
our baby was a 'plant based, choline baby' in utero. Took steps unassisted by 9 months, and walking easily by 10 months. can ask for her own "bottle" and "milk" by 12 months. She's very social at the libraries.
The set amount of vitamins in your blood are different depending on country, state, city ,age , and doctor. I can not find any doctors agree on how much or how little a person should have
Cynacobamaline is a synthetic form that the body cannot process. People should be taking the methylcobalamin instead
I'll confess I am somewhat confused by the recommended dosages. 50 mcg a day doesn't add up to 2000 mcg a week, but to 350 mcg a week. Why is the weekly dosage so darn high?
Doesn't this guy think fluoride is good for us? Is there other forms of B12?
I saw him on the 7th day adventist channel giving a lecture, very good.❤
Dr., I’ve been vegan for 14 years and I’m 47. My B12 has always been, since then, less than 300, but the last Acid Metilmalonic test was 0.11 (deficiência above 0.50). My folic acid is nearly 700. I feel great, I don’t have any health issues, never headaches, and I have lots of energy. I do take a low multivitamin supplement once a week, and I eat nutritional yeast with b12 every day. Giving the information above, should I increase my b12 supplements even I feel good?
Too much description from documents not attractive eagerness to watch video. please show in more animated or just apt things in a shorter video.
I use methylcobalamin sublingual….most metabolically active form
Hi Dr. Greger, cyanocobalamin is cheaper and more effective, but Dr. Lair Ribeiro says to take methiocobalamin because there are people who have a genetic polyformism that cannot transform cyanocobalamin into methio or hydroxocobalamin (only with genetic tests can we determine who has this condition)… cyan, it comes from cyanide… does that make sense?
For once, the whole story, no extra googling needed. Thank you!
Are gummies a good method?
A how to/not to give birth book would be amazing.
Portuguese subtitles, please…
This video reminded me to take my B12
We hadn't heard of the toothpaste yet, that is an interesting suggestion!
It's my understanding that methyl is better because when you consume cyano, your liver has to methylize the compound and therefore it eliminates that step and absorbs quicker, thoughts?
There was a LOT of content to learn and digest. Worth listening to it a couple times. My B12 levels got down low – – my fault. I got enlarged Red blood cells because of it – – if I understand it right.
Thank You Dr. Greger so much for this video. In the past recommendations were always lower than 1000 mcg. I switched to 1000 mcg 1 year ago and finally my level is going up: 503. Thanks for keeping up with the new information out there. I'm so grateful for what you do.
If a B12 toothpaste could work, what about a topical B12 cream?
Can anyone tell me why I get a headache when i take 1000 mcg methylated Vit B-12 supplement? So I can only take about 400 mcg without getting a headache.
Thank you Dr. Greger.
This guy is a shill for the b12 industry, and he doesnt know what hes talking about.
Theres b12 in some plant sources, b12 in nori, b12 in fermented foods, b12 in mushrooms…
He just will not stop with his bullshit. He pulls a salary from nutritionfacts, hos nutritionfacts website is a platform for other supplement grifters to sell their products, and hes a mid tier plant based nutrition researcher..
Supplementation is for people with confoindong medical conditions, not to be taken "just because".
B12 can feed unwanted microbes as well as encourage acne..
The research does not support his bullshit.
Dont forget that research shows that b12 supplements to virtually nothing..
Engage in sustainable lifestyle choices that promote microbiome health, DONT feed these supplement industry shills!
Dr gregor has done SOME good, but hes also funded by affluent society people who think they deserve more than others.
He isnt board certified and he is shilling for supplements that arent even regulated.
Hes just trying to fuel his affluent lifestyle, and honestly, telling people to eat fruits amd vegetables doesnt mean you should have more than others.
My gp prescribed me b12 ( 1mg a day) following a blood test which showed my b12 was BELOW the recommended guidelines at (147) and in the uk is considered normal if its between 158 and 600) so my level is considered to be only just under normal even though if my level was 599 I would still be within the normal range! I am 72yrs old and I have been taking this dosage of cyanocobalamin for the last eight weeks and eating all the food recommended as containing the highest levels of b12 daily yet not only have I yet to notice an improvement in the awful symptoms of the b12 deficienc❤y I am actually having the last eight weeks
Why does he never address those with MTHFR gene mutation who cannot methylate the cyano version. UGH. This is basic medical knowledge.
Absolute nón sense. I'm 70. Was B12 deficient for decades, and had to get shots very regularly. Since I'm Carnivore my B12 is in very high range. Eat red meat people.
case report don't count for general population. Accept it. It is false science say apposite.
Randomized trial don't show benefits in take b12 supplements not even in small children.
Please discuss the age related decrease of the stomach acid required to fully absorb B12. This alone causes many elderly to become deficient. Sublingual tablets or shots may be required. ALSO, I disagree with any benefit to children on plant based diets. I have a family member raising their children vegan and I'm seeing weight issues developing because they eat a lot of processed foods, both the parents and the children.
Okey, i was taking 9 mcg a day which i guess is way too low. But taking 5 pulls a day seem like a lot.
If someone is over 65 and needs a 1000 units a day but their supplement is 2500 units could they just take 3 tablets a week and have the same absorption?
Very helpful review. 🙂
Why not eat a proper humand diet (meat) and then you don't need the suppliments.
Plant based diets are the worst diets for humans.
This guy is a nut job. Eat meat and you don't need B12…..NONE. B12 is composed of cobalt, which is an essential micronutrient. Plants dont have any cobalt and never will.
I've said this before on another Nutrition Facts video, but adopting one-size-fits-all policies is almost never a good idea. A minority of seniors have absorption issue due to pernicious anemia etc. and they need significant B12 supplementation. However, most senior are fine, and if they follow the '1000 mcg for all' recommendations they are overdosing. In 2024 we do not yet understand the long-term risks of such massive intakes. Remember that, up to age 65, only 4-5 mcg is considered adequate. Preliminary studies suggest that long-term overdosing of B12 raises the risk of lung cancer in men, and raises the risk of thrombotic events (blood clots and strokes) in both sexes. Have your blood levels checked before you try to 'fix' a problem that may not exist!
I have a hiatus hernia and have been on proton pump inhibitors for over ten years. I understand that the lack of stomach acid reduces or stops the intrinsic factor and therefore inhibits the absorption of B12. A recent blood test did show l was low on B12. What advice can you give please.
Oral B12 will NOT address a deficiency. You need injections.
Hello Dr Greger, could you make a video on the different pros and cons of taking separate B12 vs a high dose B-complex?
I tend to get B12 deficient but also folate deficient and am wondering what is better overall.
Thank you
I see that article highlighted mentions cyanocobalamin form. Isn't that synthetic?
Also, u can't really know if u r deficiency with a standard blood work, and sadly insurance companies won't paid for a better more efficiency test.
What about B complex? bad as a multivitamin regarding to b12 absorption?
@dr. Greger: In what specific way is B12 in a multi vitamin suppl. harmful? The documentation says 'presence of cobalamin analogues', so what does that mean for my body? Thank you in advance.