How Much Do Doctors Actually Know About Nutrition?
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See if you know more about basic nutrition than most doctors. New subscribers to our e-newsletter always receive a free gift.
Donuts, sausage, and pizza are fine. The diet actually consists of many foods and they matter collectively. Some nutrition expert!
❤great ….most doctor do not know much about Nutrient in meal.. Fried chicken.. Soup so on… So on…❤
The business model is to make you fat with cheap foods then put you on drugs, like cattle.
Pharma drugs rule their decision because once on $$$$$$$$$……………your on for Life. Ill never ever go on any pharma drug, I'd rather die.
I've been arguing this with my family for years. Wonder if they'll even watch this video… Doesn't matter, glad I found veganism.
The thing that gets me is that up to the moment they can actually diagnose you w something they hammer on abt lifestyle. But the second you actually get cancer or lupus or ra or what have you, now suddenly life style has no impact. Makes no sense at all.
Doctors don't know about nutrition because big Pharma donates huge amounts of money to medical schools to create an army of pill pushers. If they funded nutritional studies, people would get healthier and big Pharma's profits would plummet. They want people sick – PERIOD. No money in healthy people. No money in dead people. Sick people is where the gold lies.
What's the point of being a doctor if s/he can't prescribe drugs?
Just as doctors are taught very little about nutrition, they are taught very little about vaccines. I see a trend.
2:00 Criminal, people turn to these people in dire situations and you can't even learn 4, 9, 4 protein fat carb, 18-25 normal bmi….
I know more about nutrition than most doctors because of my love of the subject but because I'm not s doctor no one listens
I work in the operating room and all I ever see the surgeons eating all day are the snacks for the recovering patients. Goldfish, cheezits, peanut butter crackers, etc..
yes, it is unfortunate that doctors aren’t achooled in diet, but i’d argue that the real issue is that diet is a personal reaponaibility, ao to know about it, is your responsibility! we cannot just outsource major aspects of importance to professionals – personal responsibility to know about those matters are key
Take advice from people who look strong and healthy. So definitely not Dr. Greger .
Eat whole grains, beans as staples . Eat 2 servings of fruits ang veggies daily . Eat meat sparingly if you are not willing to give it up entirely. Eat nuts too.
Thank you for shedding light on this with articles and the research you bring! We think the health care system should include lifestyle and diet. But in reality it’s really for “end of options” and going towards drugs and surgery. Nutritionist are needed!
I know someone with IBD who was told by docs/dietitians that he could not go plant-based. Yikes!
My real doctor is my food
I'm happy that he's addressing this. I just had a doctor tell a family member the whole "everything in moderation" nonsense.
Well done as ever Dr. Greger.
Take care of basics and stay away from your doctor and big pharma.
It is sad to go see your doctor knowing that YOU know more about nutrition and healthy habits than they do……hmmmmm….still, its important to GO to the doctor and get your regularly scheduled screenings and metrics taken… sister in law is a medical doctor and a vegan, but….she thought this protected her from ALL health issues……..WRONG!…..sadly, she was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer at 53, after my wife pleaded with her for years to have a colonoscopy……she finally agreed, but only doing so to get "people" off her back and they found the tumor…..she is alive and well today, but lives in constant fear of a relapse…..she is over a year cancer free now and has a scan coming up shortly…..she recently had a colonoscopy to check for recurrence that came back clean… prayers to her for a good scan……SO PLEASE, EVERY VEGAN out there do NOT take your HEALTH for granted because of what you EAT….YES, YOU are healthier than most, but YOU are NOT INVULNERABLE!…..Get your scheduled screenings …don't be lazy or complacent!
There’s no money for the Rockefeller family to have the 90+% of doctors recommend a plant-based diet.
I would be willing to bet almost anything that, the majority of the 10% of doctors in this study, who know their nutritional facts, are vegan.
The medical schools not drilling nutrition into their students are owned by the elite, and guess what else they have their dirty little hands in? The devil himself, Big Parma!
I worked in a place where we serve the community through various health programs like reducing obesity, diabetes and overall health ailments. Yet, the cafeteria is full of junk food and processed crap. How are people going to take you serious when you don't even practice what you teach?
I feel like, how can we even have hope that things will change after seeing this. It just seems so hopeless! I've heard people talking about bad nutrition advice from their doctors, as though it were good advice, and if I dare say anything, of course those people believe their doctor over me! 🙁
I've personally known an obese "dietitian" who provided nutritional advice to heart patients…… ummmm…… Do what I say, not what I do?
I do believe all doctors should have a basic knowledge of nutrition. However, I believe they should leave the clinical side of nutrition to those in the dietetics field of study. Dietitians are highly trained professionals on nutrition and how it relates to health. We are already limited on the number of doctors we need, so to add more to their plate would just make that problem worse. Whereas dietitians are greatly underutilized and under-respected in the medical profession. I wish the medical field would start seeing the importance of dietitians instead of pushing their specialty onto doctors. If doctors also take over this role, the entire dietetics profession could crumble and never achieve the respect it deserves. 🙁