Podcast: An Aspirin a Day?
Turns out there are better ways to ensure our health and well being. This episode features audio from: …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
Turns out there are better ways to ensure our health and well being. This episode features audio from: …
No thank you.
What about taking it every other day?
Cayenne pepper is also a good blood thinner without the the bleeding. Will help with blood pressure and circulation and your arteries….much better!
From what I see of your site it looks like good advise sensible advice .
Aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad aspirin good aspirin bad
= Evidence-Based Nutrition
To paraphrase that famous political philosopher " it depends on what the meaning of evidence is is"
A classic example of what I see on the internet posted by experts
EG diet to controltreat insulin resistance & diabetes
1) low-carb no fat. VEGAN
1a) low-carb[ no sugar] plant-based VEGAN saying any fat, any animal products will cause inflammation cancer cruelty to farm animals climate change- destroy the world we will all be killed( only this one is an exaggeration of what they say but they do imply this)
2) low-carb high-fat
3) low-carb high-fat medium protein. KETO
4) low-carb[ no lectins minimal fruit] high-fat[ no process plant oils, yes extra virgin olive oil avocado oil coconut oil MCT oil]
5) medium to high-carb low-fat
So Bayer = bad,,, I knew it all along,,,
I used to take pain killers each and every day back in the early 2000. I really never found them to help, yet I kept taking them as if they were supplements. Now I haven’t taken as much as an aspirin in over ten years! I’ve had light fever and the common cold a couple of times, but nothing that needed medicine, my body fought it off. Never have head aches these days. I used to get them all the time when I was younger and ate worse. I’ve been vegan for over 15 years now.
A few months ago, Dr Gregor reviewed some results of a British epidemiological study. In it the researchers showed a suggestive indication that people on vegan diets had higher stoke rates. It was explained away as not significant. This pod cast however makes a connection between natural salicylate and anticoagulation. There seems to be a connection here that was not addressed in this video.
Does anyone know why some people become salicylate sensitive when eating saliciylates. I can become over stimulated on all levels, by saliciylates, get headaches, very itchy skin, self control goes.
Very interesting! I will eat more spicy food and with cumin
I cannot do vegan. My trigs go up over 800. I eat my vegetables, berries. Meat. Healthy fats. I’ve tried four times. I do limit sugar. I only eat bread or pasta once a week as a special treat. I do better with a lower carb regimen but I eat vegetables for breakfast lunch dinner.
Anyone have a vindaloo recipe w/o oil,etc.?
Anyone else noticing something going on with Dr. Greger's speech? It's not a lisp but there's something off with some of his "s" sounds. Not being critical, just an observation and wondering if anyone knows if there's a reason.
do we need also to way the benefits/detriment of stuffing ourselves with potentially dangerous (see Gundry) plant matter, 24/7 causing constant bloating and discomfort? My wish re this excellent podcast is that the doc would talk about optimal diet including supplements, eating times etc. instead of plant based were the main problem is insufficient calories to support an active lifestyle.
be sure and tell esselstyn to drink his green smoothie everyday
O conhecimento é de tudo o mais importante em nossas vidas. Aqui encontra-se ciência, meios de melhorar a qualidade de vida na alimentação pela Natureza Vegetal. A simplicidade da Natureza inspira-me a continuar. Tudo mudou para melhor. Sou imensamente grata por este canal. Aqui encontro sempre uma notícia diferente. O bem é sempre contagiante. Gratidão!
Another great podcast thank you! Another issue is that we're eating fruits and vegetables that are "perfect" and throwing out the bruised or partially rotten fruit and vegetables that hold or produce a lot more salicylic acid.
Why not eat plants and take baby aspirin then? The pros of aspirin still seem to outweigh the benefits
If you are taking aspirin only as a blood thinner, would ginger not be a plausible alternative?
I think it’s better to make willow tea and ingest the whole plant.
Excellent – thank you so much!
Don’t want to chew willow bark as part of my plant-based diet but really appreciate the data-based review. Here’s hoping I can get enough Cox-related nutrients from salads, etc. and never end up with the first heart attack or cancer exposure. Thanks.
tech notes:
I thought he had found the right distance, but this time he's still crowding/overdriving that mic just a tiny bit. Just another inch or two away could be all it takes. Or wrap the mic with a windsock or other dampening materials. So close but –just nudging distortion which detracts from the quality of the product. This last little bit is what prevents the podcast from sounding professionally recorded. HTH
I am internist wish could ask you a question