POPPY SEED TEA – Life changer or too dangerous? Benefits & Side Effects
For a much safer tea watch MORINGA tea benefits next – https://youtu.be/vU-bbFy6o9k #poppyseeds #poppyseedtea #poppyseed …
Website dedicated to first-time mothers
For a much safer tea watch MORINGA tea benefits next – https://youtu.be/vU-bbFy6o9k #poppyseeds #poppyseedtea #poppyseed …
For a much safer tea watch MORINGA tea benefits next – https://youtu.be/vU-bbFy6o9k
I was addicted to raw pods/capsules tea and it was a nightmare. It was dirt cheap and it was stronger than H. I was an iv H addict for about 10 years, but that tea was much worse. Withdrawal last a month and cold turkey is much worse than H cold turkey. I tried to get hooked on H again just to get off that tea, but I needed 5 grams for 2 days just not to go cold turkey. I drank that tea for about 3-4 months and my tolerance skyrocketed. The only way to get off the tea was to go on buprenorphine substitution. I've been clean for 13 years, but I still feel fear in my bones when I think of that tea.
76:yr Vietnam vet smoke weed va refuse pain med , 2 bullets from nam. Poppy seeds 12 yrs. No problems no addiction if out withdrawal leaves on day or two..not like the pills . I make it with a in pot of coffee by weight..pot coffee gone pain gone for hours..its hard to abuse it because of the in taste.. that can be made to taste really good . believes it or not
Great just know what u are doing good for pain no doubt
What bullshit . You would have to drink so much of it….
This was actually a very nuanced and well researched video. Most just fearmonger about it. I've been addicted to poppy seed tea for about a year now, I did my research before trying it and I'm very careful not to overdose. I use it as well as cannabis oil and turmeric with black pepper for the pain of my rheumatoid arthritis, and my quality of life is much better as a result.
I just found an unopened jar of seeds from the 90s. Not sure if they are any different but I'm about to find out.
Great presentation. I'd like to hear more about natural pain killers.
What vendor do you recommend
Poppy seed very beneficial
I drunk poppy pod tea… now i have abdominal pain.. can anyone tell me please why is it
CAUTION ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Be very careful. I bought seeds from the store. I made tea. I literally thought I was going to die 30min ago. It ended 30 min ago, but I thought I was for about 2hrs.
I'm used to getting fentanyl, morphine & dilaudid at the er. I have kidney issues and a lot of pain comes with it.
All I done was make boiling water in the microwave, then placed a big teabag of seeds in it to soak. I stirred it every min or so. For around 20min. Until the water became cloudy. I had a quarter of the amount the other day when I first tried it. I had a rough time then, idk wtf I was thinking this time.
Be very careful, seriously! I'm still pretty messed up.
I think Chuck Norris drinks unwashed poppy seed tea.
Too much of anything can kill you, water included. Poppy alkaloids are a natural medicine to use in moderation and when needed.
The tea I get has poppy straw and crushed poppy pods mixed in with the seeds so I get an accomplished feeling sitting in bed
Psyop lmfao
I’m living with severe chronic pain from nerve damage caused by 62 years type one diabetes also have trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) raw poppyseed tea and as a extract has helped me more than the prescriptions I have for Dilaudid and fentanyl
Peanuts too. Mind ya bidness
I have UC and the pain from the cramps is daily and enough to make me keel over in pain, my GI won't prescribe me anything except prednisone which does not do anything for the pain, but she tells me to take OTC pain killers….so i did which gave me liver problems…. honestly this is something im gonna try since my GI is trying to kill my liver with horrible OTC pain meds.
It's dangerous. Don't fool yourself. Just like fentanyl in that you don't know what you are getting from batch to batch and people fooling with it are not chemists. If it doesn't kill you it can make you an addict or cripple you for life with SSNHL or worse. There is literature out there documenting fatalities and near fatalities. If you are considering doing this please research and review that information.
Was this video aimed at 5th graders?
what if i get poppy seeds from the store, biolit with a bit of water, then pour it into vodka, to make poppy-seed liquor? Is it safe?
It's opium tea, codeine is just one active ingredient in opium.
Papaverine helps with ED
Great Post!! You're Hilarious!! Great stuff
You sound like a typical dumb white guy
Even water can kill you if you drink too much. Moderation is key.
You would have to flush 10 kilos of seeds just to get high so look bull shit